
Friday, October 26, 2012


What do you do to manage behavior?  I've tried several things and the one that works the best is the good ole' clip chart.  Move your clip down when they make a bad choice and up if you make a good choice.  Photos compliments of Pinterest (click pic to take you there).  Also see more ideas below from First Grade Fanatics!
Behavior Clips

I've seen charts with 3 ways to move up....but I can hardly remember to have kids move up once a day.  When they move up 20 times, they get lunch with the teacher.  But then you have to track all those move up (move downs will HOPEFULLY be less) so I'm going to try a good behavior punch card.  I've seen this idea on Pinterest and found this free download for the cards from Mrs. Mabe.

This behavior system was working so well, and after the first few weeks we really wanted to reward the kiddos who made it to outstanding. We thought about several ideas and came up with the option of allowing our students to customize their clips with pieces of ribbon.
Here's what we do:
Before lining up the kids for busses and pick up, we review the chart. Using a spreadsheet with the kids' names, we put a tally by the students who've made it to outstanding.
When a student has made it to outstanding 3 times, they get to choose a piece of a ribbon to customize their clip. We then glue their piece on after school.
How cute are these?
We made sure to get our state's college colors and some theme related ribbons as well.
Our kids love this and we too are having so much fun finding different ribbons for them to choose from!

Here are some close ups of a few clips with ribbon pieces:

After a clip has 5-6 ribbon pieces, the student gets to take their clip home and then start all over again. We haven't had anyone fill up their clip yet, but we are thinking about 5-6 pieces should fill up a clip.

We also wanted to create a simple sheet for some of our students to take home that communicates with their family about how their day went. Here's a freebie that we would love to share with you.
Just click the picture below!

And free chart to print out from Teaming up to Teach Blog

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